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China, with Chinese civilization as its source and Chinese culture as its foundation, is one of the countries with the longest history in the world.

Top of China

China, a mysterious country. Here, from the geographical, human, historical, economic and other fields of China's most to lift the veil of mystery.

Top 10 The Most of China's Water Systems

China's river network is dense, the basin area of 100 square kilometers of rivers have more than 50,000, and a river basin area is one of the important ......

Geography & Environment
The 10 Most Difficult to Understand Dialects in China

Chinese Mandarin is notoriously complicated in the world.

Humanities & Technology
Chinese Dynasty Replacement Romance (1)

China has a long history, and the change of dynasties is the best in the world. There is no direct historical and archaeological data to prove the period.

History & Culture
20 Mainland China Full-Service Airlines(1)

By the end of 2020, there were 64 transport airlines in my country, including 53 passenger airlines and 11 all-cargo airlines.

Economy & Military
15 Kinds of Fruits Native to China

Many fruits in our country are foreign, such as durian, watermelon, pineapple and so on. So, did you know that there are still many fruits that are native to......

Creativity & Innovations
Top 10 Best-Selling Commodities in Yiwu

Yiwu Small Commodity Wholesale Market consists of three market clusters: China Yiwu Trade City, Huangyuan Market and Binwang Market.

Economy & Military
The Ten Best Ancient Cities

In China's thousands of years of long and splendid history and culture, there are many historical and cultural cities. There are many sayings about......

Geography & Environment
Top 10 Traitors in Chinese History

In all dynasties, there were loyal ministers and treacherous ministers, some wise monarchs pro-virtuous ministers, and some faint monarchs pro-villains.

History & Culture
List of Top 10 Famous Wines in China

Liquor, also known as shochu, shochu, baigan, fire wine, sorghum wine, is a traditional distilled liquor, a type of shochu, mainly produced in mainland China...

Humanities & Technology
Top 20 Mainland China Full-Service Airlines (1)

At the beginning of 2020, the new crown epidemic began to spread around the world, and the aviation industry was hit hard. Data source Q3 2021 CAPSE.

Economy & Military
Who is the Strongest CBD in China?

CBD is often the most eye-catching material space of a city, but also the most glorious spiritual space of a city.

Economy & Military
100 Great Inventions and Creations of Ancient China (1)

The Chinese people have developed creative thinking since ancient times and have a glorious tradition of invention.

History & Culture
Top 10 the Tallest Buildings in China

Skyscrapers are the wonders of the history of modern architecture in the world, and the symbol of witnessing the history of a country or city, the business card.....

Creativity & Innovations
11 Major Highway Border Ports in China

China has more than 150 coastal ports (including Nanjing on the Yangtze River and below).As an important infrastructure for national economic......

Economy & Military
Top 10 Rare Animals in China

China is rich in land, animal resources, living more than 54,000 species of animals, in the rich animal species, each animal has value, but some animals because.....

Creativity & Innovations
Top 10 China's Foods

What are the famous Chinese delicacies?There are hot pot, Beijing roast duck, Lanzhou ramen, Sichuan skewers, Chongqing hot and sour noodles....

Humanities & Technology
How Much Do You Know About Chinese Rivers?

China is a country with a dense water network. There are many large rivers with a long history in the country, and there are 2,221 rivers in China.

Geography & Environment
Top 10 China's Folk Arts and Crafts List

Folk crafts are the artistic embodiment of the folk customs of the masses. According to the material classification, there are various types......

Humanities & Technology
Top 10 China's Nuclear Power Plants

As of January-December 2020, China will have a total of 49 nuclear power units operating (excluding Taiwan), with a installed capacity of 51027.16MWe......

Economy & Military
Top 10 Poets in Song Dynasty

Song poetry, with its colorful and colorful appearance, competes with Tang poetry, competes with Yuan music, and has always been called the double best with Tang poetry.

History & Culture
Top 10 Vegetables in China

Vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and phytochemicals.

Creativity & Innovations
CNN's 40 Most Beautiful Places in China (1)

In the vast land of China, there are countless beautiful scenery, countless mysteries and strangeness.

Geography & Environment
Top 10 Famous Poets in Ancient China

A poet, in a general sense, usually refers to a person who writes poetry, but from a literary concept, it should be a poet writer and poet writer who has......

History & Culture
32 Most Beautiful Ancient Villages in China (1)

Small bridges and flowing water, stone alleys. Drunk years, intoxicating warm wind. People with ancient town complexes have a trace of romance...

Humanities & Technology