Ten species of animals that have become extinct in China in the past 100 years

The rapid development of science and technology has allowed human beings to quickly get rid of the problem of starvation in a century, but in the process, it is also accompanied by the extinction of many wild animals, either because their habitats are compressed, or because of the application of pesticides, or because of human capture.

Top 1: Baiji dolphin

Baiji dolphin is the most precious among the extinct animals in my country, because it has the reputation of "water giant panda" and is also known as the goddess of the Yangtze River. The unique freshwater cetaceans only live in the middle and lower reaches of our Yangtze River. Because they are accustomed to frequently floating on the river surface for ventilation when the weather is dark, they are also a barometer of the weather on the river. Baiji dolphins have lived in the waters of the Yangtze River since ancient times, and their survival records are older than our human beings. They have precious paleontological research value and have attracted much attention from the scientific community. Due to economic development, the Yangtze River waterways have become extremely busy, and various electronic The equipment interfered with the sonar system of the baiji dolphin, causing them to run aground or crash into the boat. Coupled with environmental pollution, the number of baiji dolphins dropped sharply and was declared functionally extinct in 2007.

Top 2: The golden snub-nosed monkey

The distribution of sickle-wing chickens is not very widespread. Few people know about them in China. They mainly live in the northeastern forest area. They are medium in size, but have a unique shape. Male sickle-wing chickens will show bright red plain naan during the breeding season, and their tails will Presents the phenomenon of peacock opening screen. Sickle-winged chickens mainly live in coniferous forests in mountainous areas. Due to the development of wood, their habitats have been occupied, and the final number has become less and less, and it is difficult to form a recovering population. In 2001, Xinhua News Agency quoted Heilongjiang Province Wildlife Research The institute's research concluded that the wild animal sickle-winged chicken has become extinct in China.

Top 3: Zhili Macaque

Zhili macaques are the northernmost macaques in the living area of ​​my country. They have good cold resistance. They mainly live in the mountainous areas of Hebei and Beijing. They are large in size and docile in character. With darker body hair, intelligent and docile personality, it is very popular among people. Due to the rapid economic development, the Wuling Mountain in Hebei was their last habitat, and the natural environment was also destroyed. The Zhili Macaque was declared extinct in the 1980s.

Top 4: Dianchi Salamander

The Dianchi salamander is a unique amphibian in China. It mainly lives in Kunming, Yunnan, and was originally a common species around Kunming. Due to the needs of economic development, the urban area of Kunming has expanded rapidly in a short period of time, the population has increased sharply, and the construction of infrastructure has not taken into account the needs of environmental protection. This inconspicuous little animal has not attracted people's attention. Conservation of their populations began in the 1970s, but habitat pollution led to their eventual extinction in the 1980s.

Top 5: Taiwan clouded leopard

The Taiwan clouded leopard is a subspecies endemic to Taiwan Province, a medium-sized cat and the largest carnivorous wild animal on the island of Taiwan. They are agile and good at hiding. They mainly live in dense forests in mountainous areas and feed on small and medium-sized prey such as deer, rabbits, and pheasants. However, due to over-hunting and habitat destruction by humans, the Taiwan clouded leopard was declared extinct in 1972.

Top 6: High-nosed antelope

High-nosed antelope is not a species unique to my country. It is distributed in southern Russia, Mongolia and northern Xinjiang, China. It is a long-distance migratory animal. However, due to the special difficulties of transnational protection, and the antelope horn is considered a valuable medicinal material. Driven by interests, they have been hunted and killed in large numbers for a long time. The wild population in China is now extinct.

Top 7: White-headed stork

The white-headed stork is a large wading bird with a wide distribution. Specimens have been collected in Luanhekou, Fuzhou, and Lhasa in Tibet. They can be seen in the Yellow River Basin, the Yangtze River Basin, and wetlands. However, the extinction of the white-headed stork is also very sudden and inexplicable. From the 1950s, the number of white-headed storks suddenly decreased sharply until it became extinct. The exact time of extinction is unknown, and the reasons for the extinction are also different, some say it is because of infectious diseases, some say it is because Climate change, but there is still no conclusion. Up to now, more than 70 years have passed, and the white-headed stork has not been traced. Therefore, it is concluded that China has become extinct.

Top 8: Crested duck

The crested duck is a bird of the duck family. It is good at flying and migrating. It has strong flying ability and can migrate across the oceans between Southeast Asian countries and Siberia, and even reach Japanese islands. Conservation is also a challenge due to its wide range, and it eventually became extinct due to various factors such as poaching and pesticides.

Top 9: Chinese rhino

Chinese rhino is not a type of rhino, but a collective name for the population of three rhinos (Indian rhino, Sumatran rhino, Java rhino) that grow in China. It used to be an important area for rhinos in my country, and they are found in the densely forested southern provinces. The existence of rhinos, whose extinction is due to excessive hunting, was extinct in the early 20th century, and there was no chance to protect it.

Top 10: Xinjiang tiger

Xinjiang tigers are also called Lop Nur tigers and Caspian tigers. As their names suggest, they are ferocious tigers that live in the countries around the Caspian Sea and the Lop Nur region in Xinjiang, my country. The earliest record of tigers in Xinjiang was in the period of the ancient Loulan kingdom. At that time, Lop Nur was rich in water and grass, and tigers and humans lived there together until the ancient Loulan kingdom was buried in the desert. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it became extinct in Xinjiang, my country. In other countries and regions, the Caspian tiger was recognized as extinct in 1979.

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